National Blog Posting month is all about the challenge to write one post a day.
EVERY day.
For one month.
The topic for Friday, November 5, 2010 is What makes you notice someone? It takes different things for me to notice people and it also depends on the situation at hand. If I am in a casual setting then one of the first things I notice is the way that someone speaks. I respect people’s accents but the one thing I don’t like is when people are grammatically incorrect.

Another thing I notice is people’s teeth. I am very concerned about my teeth and I will notice the shape of someone’s teeth. I will also notice if someone has white teeth because I have whitened my teeth in the past and I think it is something really simple to take care of your teeth.

If I am in a public setting like in a restaurant I will notice someone who treats the wait staff well because what happened to the food is not their fault. I also look at the way they interact, like if they expect the waiter/waitress to cater to their every need and treat the person like a servant, or if they respect the individual.

What makes you notice someone?