Every Friday I post about my finances for the week in an effort to monitor my income and expenses. I used to post all of the actual figures but I have recently decided to stop doing this.

I will now post SOME of my actual expenses and leave the rest to your imagination.

This week my income was:

$5 in Amazon gift cards.

This week my expenses were:

$51.10 on gas. I filled up the tank and almost had a heart attack when I saw the price. I knew it would be high because I only had a quarter tank left. The good thing is that the last time I bought gas was in March so I don’t mind the amount I spent. I am still way below the monthly gas budget and the rolling amount is even lower.

I also spent $40 on getting my engine cleaned. The place where I live has very bad dust storms and the dust was caked on the engine and everything under the hood. In all my years of owning a car I have never seen such a build up and I have never had the engine washed.