Welcome to How I Save Money and tracking of income and expenses for the month.

Income for the month to date: $764.65

Expenses for the month to date: $2566.00

Net effect: -$1801.35

So far the additional expenses have been $18.19 for groceries, which leaves me with a grand total of $25.34 left in my food budget for the month. I did stock up on a few essentials so I do not expect having to go over my food budget for the month. Next month I am going to try to cut the food budget down by $10 so I can move that $10 over to the gas budget.

It should be easier to live on a lower food budget next month because school will be out and I can eat more of the stuff that I readily have at home like eggs. I do not want to take food with eggs to work because our refrigerator is always packed and then I have to hunt down a microwave. When I am at home I can eat my eggs at any time of the day and don’t have to worry about storage and heating.

I found 11 cents as I was doing laundry so that was added to my found money for the month. The other recent income was $7.25 from a sponsor and all of this is added to the snowflake payments that go to the Citi card.

I will see you guys and gals later as I continue my journey to save money and become debt free!!!!