Welcome to How I Save Money and tracking of income and expenses for the month.

Income for the month to date: $806.20

Expenses for the month to date: $2601.78

Net effect: -$1795.58

Now that we are in the final week of the month and I get paid on Saturday I can take a look at the budget once again. I am pleased to report that I am still within the budget for the month so overall I am happy with the performance of my money this month.

I spent a total of $55.58 for gas, out of a budget of $65 for the month. With only one more week of work, which uses less than a quarter tank of gas I will be under the budget for the month. I was thinking of increasing the gas budget with the rising price of gas but since school will be closed and I only have a few workshops to attend for professional development over the summer I think I will be okay for at least June with a budget of $65 monthly for gas.

I also spent $121.93 so far on food out of a budget of $145 for food for the month. I am trying to see if I can cut $10 out of that food budget over the summer, in case I need to transfer that to the gas account.

I will see you guys and gals later as I continue my journey to save money and become debt free!!!!