Welcome to How I Save Money and tracking of income and expenses for the month.

Income for the month to date: $181.42

Expenses for the month to date: $715.94

Net effect: -$534.52

Additional income for the month so far was in the form of a check for $63.35 from one of my rewards cards. This card sends you out a check once a year on your anniversary so there is no other way to redeem the rewards. I am going to snowflake that money over to a credit card payment so that I can bring down my debt even further.

I paid $14.98 for groceries and did two loads of laundry (which I line dried to save money) at a cost of $2.00 Gas is currently at $2.12 but I have a full tank so I should not need to buy gas this week.

I will see you guys and gals later as I continue my journey to save money and become debt free!!!!