We are currently looking for hosts for the Carnival of Twenty Something Finances and the Carnival of Credit Report Stories. Both of these carnivals offer tips and personal experience about how to save money and ways to make money. They also offer tips on how to manage your credit and what to do if your credit is not so great to begin with.


If you have been featured in the carnival before then this is a good way to give back, especially if you keep submitting posts.

I would like to say thank you to all those who have already taken up spots to host.

If you have never run a carnival before it is very easy and I would be happy to give you some tips on what you need to do to make the carnival work.

Here is the rundown of where the Carnival of Twenty Something Finances is going to be. Notice there are a few empty spots and we are looking for people to host on those days.

Jan 14, 2008 Save Money edit

We need hosts for February 11 and February 25. It is very easy to host the carnival and since it has become so popular this means you will gain quite a bit of traffic to your site.

Here is the rundown of where the Carnival of Credit Report Stories is going to be. Notice there are a few empty spots and we are looking for people to host on those days.

Jan 28, 2008 Save Money edit

Thank you in advance for volunteering to host the Carnival.