Well folks the 1st carnival of credit report stories is up here today and even though it is small it is packed full of good stuff.

Thanks to those who submitted articles and thanks to those who are reading and emailing me. Please remember to leave your comments on the website as well as sending them to me in an email.

The next edition of the carnival will be held on February 20th 26th and will be hosted by the fabulous Money Blog Site so be sure to check it out.

The third edition of the carnival will be held over at Millionster the following week fortnight so get your submissions ready for that one too.

Remember to check out your free credit report available at http://www.annualcreditreport.com/ and try to stagger the reports so that you get a free one every couple of months. This will not only save you money on ordering the reports but it will help you to keep on top of all of your credit information and potentially save you big time in the future.