Every Friday I post about my finances for the week in an effort to monitor my income and expenses. I used to post all of the actual figures but I have recently decided to stop doing this.

I will now post SOME of my actual expenses and leave the rest to your imagination.

This week my expenses were:

$70 including the tip for a manicure-pedicure combo that I split with a friend. I got the mani and  she got the pedi! I know this is a lot to be spending on personal care that is optional but this is not something that I do on a regular basis. I was spending some time with a friend and the last time we got this done was 8 months ago and she paid!

I paid my $25 of the shared cell phone bill and I am really happy that I am in a good place where I can be on a shared plan with someone while I am still in school and do not have much income.

I spent $22.89 on a blouse that I wanted so I could have a more professional look while teaching. I will be teaching face to face this fall and while it is not a requirement, I do prefer to look a little better dressed on the days I have to teach. I think it is fine to dress in student mode of a t-shirt and jeans on the days when I not teach, but I would like to look a little more professional when I stand in front of the class. I may still wear jeans but I would wear a dressy blouse so I look more like an instructor!