Did you know that you can Win $1000 with FinGad ? This is a new stock picking contest where you can make some money if you are the best performing stock picker.

The system is simple to use and has a potential big benefit at the end. You create an account in a few easy steps and you are given a virtual portfolio of cash to work with. You then use the cash to pick your favorite stocks and watch your portfolio grow.

At the end of the contest the person whose stocks do the best in terms of the return on the investment will win the grand prize of $1000 . You will also gain some useful insight on how to manage stocks in case you wanted to invest some of your real money in the stock market in the future.

Be sure to follow the Rules and Conditions so that you have a chance to win the money. Unlike other stock picking contests you can earn more investing money with Fingad by participating. You get an original $50,000 of virtual money when you sign up and then you can earn $5,000 in virtual cash for every person that you invite who signs up as your referral. The contest only runs for one month so be sure to get your entry in early!!!